Release Date: 13.07.2022
- Updated Track Limits System taking into account many factors to award warning points for infringements with drivers given a short amount of time post cut to give up any gained time or positions in race.
- Ability to set Track Limits to None/Default/Strict
- Ability to configure number of Track Limit Points before a Drive Through during race sessions.
- Improved calculation of infringement during time off track, taking into account, time gained, distance travelled, throttle application, time off track, speed differentials, positions gained during race, wall riding and more.
- During all sessions invalidate current lap and sometimes next lap, based on how close to the end of the lap and the size of the infringement.
- During race sessions earn warning points, if 3 points are acquired in one go or you pass the cumulative point limit threshold (5 by default) a drive through is given. The size of penalty increases for extreme cuts.
- Pit Lane Exit violations are now logged and penalized accordingly (May require content updates)
- Wrong Way Driving calculations have been tweaked to be more lenient when far from the track.
- Strict mode intended for eSports, has harsher thresholds and invalidates all off track laps in non race sessions.
- Improved logging options and ModDev options for analysing cuts.
- Added current Track Limits points to Penalties MFD Page in Race Sessions.
- Driver labels now correctly depth buffer regardless of display mode
- The first launch wizard controls configuration can now be re-run from the "Calibrate controls" page
- Moved "Electronics" setup settings (TC and ABS) under the "Engine" heading, which has been renamed to "Engine & electronics"
- Fixed damage multiplier setting description in singleplayer session settings
- Moved damper setup settings to their own tab
- Fixed sporadic empty car list on server join
- Added "Track Limits Rules" singleplayer setting
- Added "Track Limits Points Allowed" singleplayer race setting
- Added Tender Springs to suspension setup page
- Dynamic track temperatures based on weather conditions and cars driving on track
- Added improved anti-lock braking and traction control systems. (Only available on the TEST version of the McLaren Senna GTR)
- Added Traction Control Power Cut map to control the amount of TC to apply. (Only available for the new TC)
- Added Traction Control Slip Angle map to control the target (maximum) slip angle before TC activates. (Only available for the new TC)
- Added ABS/TC dash LEDs which show the amount of slip and show when the systems activate
- Added Tender Springs functionality (Only available on the TEST version of the Porsche 991 GT3 Cup)
- Cars that lag too much or teleport will have collision disabled for 5 seconds.
- Fixed loops not restarting correctly
- Fixed loud audio spike when loading into multiplayer sessions
- Fixed random shift sounds in the garage
- Separated TC and Pit Limiter events
- Fixed audio loop points
- Fixed spotter and start lights not playing or being delayed
- Fixed game startup without audio device or with +nosound enabled
- Performance: Sound system now uses another thread, eliminating random frame time spikes and improving game performance
Live stream overlay
Batched loading warning pop up messages together for fewer popups (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
Added warning popup for assets exported with default LOD Out for optimization debugging (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
- Added cancel button to show no more messages that session (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
- Fixed various content issues with Showrooms and Joesville (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
- Added Sideview_UI showroom to ModDev for UI screenshots of cars.
- Fixed an issue in MapConverter where it would crash with textures named *_M_<type>.TGA
Known issues
- Tender Spring setup description is missing
- Cut Detection is presently very strict on turbo cars (under investigation)
- Ambient temperature can be set arbitrarily and might not correspond to weather conditions at the track location. This can cause track temps to be very different from the ambient temperature.
- There is no feedback for players when their collision gets turned off (due to lag).
- One dash LED which indicates ABS/locking does not turn on when locking wheels
- Certain car/track combos may not have any sound if the number of effects is low
- Driver labels do not toggle correctly in the monitor
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